BlindSight - feature film

BlindSight is the first feature film able to release its full length narrative for Cinema and 360 Virtual Reality. 
Jude is trying to go back to normality after a terrible accident that caused him a life threatening head injury. But what is "normal" when you don't know how this happened to you, entire portions of your memories are gone and you are progressively going blind? 
What if you could see beyond what is presented before your eyes? 
BlindSight is currently in pre-production. 

Learn more on the website
or IMDb

Mules - animated series

Six apparently disconnected people make the same unimaginable sacrifice. As disposable carriers made of flesh and blood, they travel the world desperate to reach their delivery destination.  Mules offers a constant interaction between the audience and a multilayered narrative stream of intertwined non-linear timelines. 
Mules is currently at testing stage.

Learn more on IMDb

Tea Room Tales - series

Elspeth and Priscilla have not met for nearly 40 years.  But the day the two cousins inherit their aunt tea shop in the beautiful town of Siena (Italy), is the beginning of a new incredible journey they'll travel together... 

Learn more on IMDb

ART - Augmented Reality Theatre

What if the best plays we’ve ever seen became part of the location in which they’re presented? Art designs a mis-en-scene where augmented reality plays an essential role for characters, locations, elements of the narrative itself and, of course, the audience. 

Contact Production to know more

Smith and Weston - feature film

Put together a working class thug policemen and a tea-at-four-o'clock employee of the government and you get Smith and Weston: will the pair rescue the Prime Minister's daughter? Of course they will... but how? 

Learn more on IMDb

Chang - feature film

Sometimes being in the wrong place at the wrong moment can turn you into the ultimate secret agent.  At least this is what happens to our protagonist! Action and big set pieces for a feature that will keep the audience tied up to their chair, on an incredible adventure with Chang. 

Learn more on IMDb
Past projects are available on 
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